Author Archives: Gabriel


Montgomery St. Band

Wolfprints was lucky enough to have been contacted by these guys to have some band photos done! Check them out at various venues around Fredericton, and at Parkindale Hall or Shepody House ! [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”197″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_pro_slideshow” image_crop=”0″ image_pan=”1″ show_playback_controls=”0″ show_captions=”0″ caption_class=”caption_overlay_bottom” caption_height=”70″ aspect_ratio=”1.5″ width=”80″ width_unit=”%” transition=”fade” transition_speed=”1″ slideshow_speed=”3″ border_size=”0″ border_color=”#ffffff” ngg_triggers_display=”exclude_mobile” is_ecommerce_enabled=”0″ order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] If you or your band needs promo material, […]


Old Photos

Look what we found! A box of old negatives dating from 1920 to 1955. No reference material! We’re going to scan them all for viewing, and then there is one or two that we’ll need to make some prints for, so we’ll do a bit more work on those.   This is how the images were scanned in. The original photographer didn’t get the exposures […]


Parkindale Popup – Penrose Studio

Wolfprints was at Penrose Studios last night for a Parkindale Popup! Skinny Leigh , Matt Sinclair and Josee Mills all performed to a crowd of fans! Keep an eye out for their next projects! [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”196″ exclusions=”13260,13266,13267″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry” size=”180″ padding=”10″ display_type_view=”default” ngg_triggers_display=”always” captions_enabled=”0″ captions_display_sharing=”1″ captions_display_title=”1″ captions_display_description=”1″ captions_animation=”slideup” is_ecommerce_enabled=”1″ order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

Pop-up Portraits

Wolfprints photography will be setting up in various places in south eastern NB during weekends in November. Check back soon for prices, dates and places where we will be! You can also request to be added to our Email list here. and we will notify you when new events are happening. [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”195″ exclusions=”13163,13164,13167,13170,13171,13179,13181,13182,13184,13186,13188,13189,13190,13197″ sortorder=”13163,13164,13167,13170,13171,13179,13181,13182,13184,13186,13188,13189,13190,13197,13183,13174,13176,13166,13192,13196,13173,13162,13168,13169,13172,13165,13175,13194,13177,13178,13185,13180,13187,13191,13193,13195″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_pro_slideshow” image_crop=”0″ image_pan=”1″ show_playback_controls=”1″ show_captions=”0″ caption_class=”caption_overlay_bottom” caption_height=”70″ aspect_ratio=”1.5″ width=”100″ […]


Across Town for Crosswinds

Wolfprints was there on Sunday, covering all the action and fun! Lots of people having lots of fun. We look forward to next year, and look forward to seeing you all there too!


NB Soccer Indoor Provincial Tournament

[singlepic id=10999 w= h= float=none]Wolfprints Photography is happy to be invited to capture images at NB Soccer’s Indoor Provincials April 2-3! Good luck to all participants, and we look forward to seeing you all there!


Indoor Junior Tennis Championships

Wolfprints is pleased to be a part of the 2016 Atlantic Indoor junior Tennis Championships! Come on out and support the athletes, and stop in and say Hi at the photo table. We’ll have images of all the games online soon for people to check out! See you soon!


Product photography for online sales

Hello! We are now starting to offer a special service for people and business’ who offer online sales to their clients and customers. We are offering to photograph your products specially for E-commerce. Prices start at $50, but we will work with you to figure out your needs, give you an appropriate quote and make sure you get what you need. Please contact us for […]

Renew the beast

Welcome! This is just a quick post to let you know where we are with all this and what can be expected in the coming months. As of Aug, Wolfprints has entered a renewing process to update and modernize our website and Facebook presence. We will now be working toward having a more consistent presence online, with new posts, images and stories, hopefully in a […]