Monthly Archives: November 2017


Montgomery St. Band

Wolfprints was lucky enough to have been contacted by these guys to have some band photos done! Check them out at various venues around Fredericton, and at Parkindale Hall or Shepody House ! If you or your band needs promo material, or live coverage check out Wolfprints’ Band photography


Old Photos

Look what we found! A box of old negatives dating from 1920 to 1955. No reference material! We’re going to scan them all for viewing, and then there is one or two that we’ll need to make some prints for, so we’ll do a bit more work on those.   This is how the images were scanned in. The original photographer didn’t get the exposures […]


Parkindale Popup – Penrose Studio

Wolfprints was at Penrose Studios last night for a Parkindale Popup! Skinny Leigh , Matt Sinclair and Josee Mills all performed to a crowd of fans! Keep an eye out for their next projects!